Saturday, November 1, 2008

"Icarian Falcon", October 31, 2008

It's time for me to raise the stakes,
Take the chances I used to cancel,
Done are the days of playing it safe,
Done letting rage and wrath set the path,
Skin worn thin enough to be cut by rose petals,
Broken floodgates to the core to rust the metal,
Of a brain stained with the raining pain of a past,
Spending time trying to fly from it but moving too fast,
But if I slowed down I'd crash into an ocean so vast
That I'd never make it out alive, on a ship with no mast.

1 comment:

Laura Jayne said...

Wow!!! This is so powerful in its emotional intensity. I particularly love this line

"Skin worn thin enough to be cut by rose petals"

That really spoke to me.