Friday, May 16, 2008

"Digitice" May 18th, 2008

It's bitter, icy cold in here,
My soul an unstoppable air conditioner,
Never letting me feel secure.

Everything starts to feel numb inside,
The tears all turn to ice,
As the eyes turn to screens to relive the lies.

It's those memories of the crushing pain,
That gives you that fear that I'm not fully sane,
Something's wrong inside me, something without a name.

I don't want to be the empty frame I've been,
I want to be good enough again,
Not have to remember what they did to me back then.

Wish I could give you my heart, but I know it's not fair
When you aren't ready to give away love, to share
The feelings I have when my eyes meet your stare.

But I want you happy, and if that's what it means,
To keep these kinds of words behind the scenes,
Then I'll keep the thoughts of us in my dreams.

Just until you're ready to start something real,
Ready to share these things that I feel,
And break open the loving hearts that we've both sealed.

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